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Retail (4)

How to Identify and Handle Shoplifters in your Retail Stores
The prevention, detection, and management of shoplifting is an integral aspect of running a retail business. Long gone are th...
Fighting Chargeback Fraud: Is there such a thing as Friendly Fraud?
Retailers are making it easier to return online purchases, issuing refunds before they receive the return goods. This policy ...
How to Prevent "Card not Present" Fraud
Even before the pandemic, card not present (CNP) payments were on the rise. Given the convenience and increased health concer...
11 Types of Retail Fraud on the Rise Across the Customer Journey
Dealing with fraud is no new task to retailers, but over the years fraud techniques have developed that could bring harm to y...
Emergency Exit
10 Topics to Include in your Retail Business Health and Safety Manual
An up-to-date safety manual is essential to keep employees, customers, and your business safe from harm. Instead of just keep...
Loyalty and Rewards Fraud
Balancing Loyalty and Loss Prevention: How to Battle Rewards Program Fraud
Retailers are focused on developing long-term customer relationships that drive profits. While product, price, and promotion ...
Retail's Recovery
When will Retail Recover? Post-Pandemic Consumer Trends and Tips for Retailers
In conjunction with IHL Group, Agilence conducted a Global Consumer Study on spending trends for the retail sector. Below are...
Are Stacked Discounts Costing your Retail Business Millions in Profit?
Retailers know that discounts drive sales but, when used incorrectly, they can also contribute to loss. Savvy shoppers know t...
retail return register
What's your Real Return Rate? Calculating Omnichannel Returns and Exchanges
Online orders, curbside pickup, BOPIS, and other omnichannel models have redefined how customers can purchase products. Just ...
skills every business analytics professional needs
Which Skills do Retail Business Analytics Professionals Need?
Until recently, retailers used gut-feel, group consensus, or what they thought would help make important product and sales de...
open sign
5 Loss Prevention Tips for Small to Mid-Sized Retailers
It has been a challenging year for small to mid-sized retailers. To stay in business, they will need the focus, drive, and ri...
The Evolution of Retail Store Operations
Until recently, most retail customers still purchased items the same way they have done for over 100 years. They went to the ...

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