Agilence Blog

Retail Shrink and the Complexities of Known and Unknown Loss in 2022
Retailers have long struggled to minimize shrink. The term itself has been around for more than 150 years, but in that time, ...
Operations and Loss Prevention: Working Together to Reduce Shrink
While often thought of as two separate teams, retail operations and loss prevention (or asset protection) teams have signific...
Entering the Next Chapter of Growth at Agilence - 2021 Year in Review
During the holiday season, I always like to reflect, take stock, and look ahead to the challenges of the new year. The past t...
How to Reduce Shrink by Flagging Sales Reducing Activities
As retailers search for new ways to engage with customers, they are also seeking new ways to detect formerly hidden losses. T...
Click-and-Collect Loss Prevention Best Practices
Buy Online Pickup In-Store (BOPIS), curbside pickup, and automated lockers make it convenient for customers to get what they ...
"What's My Banana?" Applying the Banana Trick to Other Industries
With today’s ever-increasing landscape of automated processes that are being deployed throughout the retail, grocery, restaur...
How to Survive the Retail Labor Shortage
Retailers are facing more labor and stock challenges than ever. As stores continue to monitor the supply chain to keep store ...
Why your Perishable Shrink Plan Isn't Working
Grocers are enjoying the return of shoppers to the store for fresh meat, produce, dairy, and ready-to-eat meals. But how do g...
Agilence Poised for Next Stage of Growth - A Letter from CEO Russ Hawkins
To our valued customers, I’m pleased to share that as of Wednesday, October 27, Agilence, Inc. has a new majority shareholder...
Using Market Basket Analysis to Capitalize on Customer Purchasing Behavior
What’s in your basket? That is what retailers want to know. Ever wonder why retailers offer BOGO sales? It’s the same reason ...
Why Loss Prevention Leaders Must Become Analytics Evangelists
As retailers bounce back from the pandemic, they’re simultaneously finding innovative ways to serve customers while controlli...
How can Leaders Really Measure the Impact of Loss Prevention Efforts?
In LPM’s recent survey, Evolving Perception of Value within Loss Prevention Departments, diverse opinions indicate the percep...Subscribe to our blog
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