General (4)

How to Calculate Year Over Year Growth
During the year, there are a number of metrics to track, and it’s easy to get sucked in and lose sight of the big picture. Bu...
Calculating Total Cost of Ownership for Data Analytics
Most companies are incredibly attentive to the hard costs of a data analytics & reporting investment, i.e., per-user lice...
Tips for Creating an Enterprise-Wide Data Strategy
A business’ performance and competitive capacity depends largely on how successful they are in managing their data. Having a ...
5 Tips for Maximizing the Value of Exception-Based Reporting Systems
Exception-Based Reporting (EBR) has been widely used by retailers to analyze transactional data for over 25 years. The most c...
The History of Business Intelligence Infographic
Ever wonder how business intelligence became what it is today? Today, the term is used to describe a set of strategies and te...
Tidying Up your Data With The Marie Kondo Method
Cleaning mogul, Marie Kondo’s rise to popularity may seem as if it occurred overnight when her show, Tidying up with Marie Ko...
Rise of Citizen Data Scientists and Future of Business Intelligence
The BI and greater analytics market has spent the majority of the last decade shifting from IT-led, systems-of-record reporti...
The Importance of Telling Stories with Data
Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts. This is why we can recall stories told to us from years ago, yet not remember...
Agilence Hires Bruce F. Katz as Chief Financial Officer
MOUNT LAUREL, NJ - December 18, 2018 – Agilence, Inc., the leader in vertical-focused business intelligence solutions for the...
The Psychology Behind Loyalty Programs
Many companies use a reward system or loyalty program in an attempt to make customers more devoted. Top loyalty programs from...
The Psychology Behind Business Dashboards
Within the past decade, dashboards have become an increasingly popular way for businesses to internally display data. But, wh...
How to Spread Data Literacy Across the Enterprise
There are two keys to unlocking the power of data. It should come as no surprise that technology is the first, but the second...Subscribe to our blog
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