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Spring is in the air

Spring is here, and it's going to be a great season for retailers
Spring is in the air


Depending on which part of the country you live in you either had a rough winter, or a mild season.  Regardless of what you went through over the last few months spring is finally in the air, which is good news for retailers.

The warmer-than-average winter saw some segments struggle, but overall the industry has had a much better start to 2016 than it had in 2015.  In fact, this is the best start to a calendar year in recent memory.  January sales were stable, Valentine’s Day spending saw an increase over last year, Easter spending broke a record, and most trends are indicating this upward sales push will continue deep into the warmer months.

For the first time in a long time the industry doesn’t only look stable, it feels stable.  Sales figures are up, everyone you talk to is excited for things to come, and retailers everywhere are taking advantage of new opportunities.  Yes, there are still problems that need solving.  Yes, there are trade shows to attend and holiday seasons to plan for.  Yes, there are new consumer behaviors that need to be studied.  But do yourself a favor and take some time to head outside this spring and take in the fresh air.

2016 is poised to be a great year for retail, and the warm spring air has all of us excited about the months to come.

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